The ENplus® scheme was initiated in 2010 and developed for assuring the quality of wood pellets for small furnaces. Today more than 1100 certified companies participate in the scheme.
Based on the ISO norms 17225-2 and ISO 9001 it strives to assure a uniquely high quality of wood pellets and the implementation of good practices for a range of activities like pelletising, storing, bagging, trading and transporting wood pellets for domestic boilers and stoves.
ENplus® includes the entire chain of custody for wood pellets and is built around three modules – production, trading and provision of services (like bagging, storage and transport). It focuses on the traceability and quality class of wood pellets for households. Download the programme manual from the . ENplus® website
Control Union Certifications Germany is a recognized certification body for the scheme. In collaboration with our local offices in over 80 countries we can conduct certification inspections inside and outside Europe for pelletising, storing, trading and transporting of wood pellets.
The ENplus® certification is valid for three years. It includes annual surveillance inspections and a certification inspection every three years.
Contact us by sending an email with the filled out application form from this website to our program manager. Based on your information, we will send you an individual offer for the requested service. First time applicants must also send an application form to the EPC before the initial inspection can commence.